Our Lady of Lebanon

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Our Lady of Lebanon

The chapel of Our Lady of Lebanon was built at Marian Valley by the Australia Middle East Christian Association, which consists of several Middle Eastern communities that have immigrated to this country of opportunity, which we now call Australia home.

This shrine is a replica of the Our Lady of Lebanon monument, situated over the picturesque city of Jounieh, which is visible for many miles, even as far away as the city of Beirut.

Sighting of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Middle East

Our Lady of Lebanon
Our Lady of Lebanon

In the city of Cana in Galilee, to the south of modern Lebanon, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lord Jesus Christ turned water into wine. Christian tradition has it that the Holy Virgin journeyed to the cities of Tyre and Sidon, both located in modern Lebanon. When in Sidon, Mary waited for her Son in the grotto at Magdousheh. Blessed
Mary spent the time waiting for her Son in prayer and meditation. This tradition is commemorated in the title “Our Lady of the Wait” – el Mantara. 

According to legend, the Virgin Mary appeared in a village called Sadnaya to Emperor Justinian in Syria. The Virgin Mary first appeared as a beautiful gazelle and later as an icon. To the Emperor’s delight, she asked him to construct a monastery in her honour. Due to the miraculous vision of Justinian and the miraculous icon of the Virgin, the Chapel of the Virgin at Sadnaya became an important place of pilgrimage in Byzantine times, second only to Jerusalem. Many accounts of miraculous healings have taken place, some of which are documented in writing by those who experienced them throughout history.

In Egypt, on the 2nd of April, 1968, the Virgin Mary appeared in Cairo on the dome of the Coptic Church, witnessed by millions of Egyptians and foreigners from all walks of life and many denominations. The fact that these apparitions were seen by millions, including the President of the time, all of whom gave similar descriptions of the sighting, is in itself an incomparable and extraordinary event, making the Zeitoun apparitions of Our Lady unique and sublime (Zeitoun is a transliterated Arabic word meaning for olives. See Genesis 8:11)

As a token of our gratitude to the Australian people for their hospitality and acceptance of our community, we wish to donate this statue as a gift of honour. The community appreciates all the donations that have been given, both monetary and in-kind, to make this chapel possible. This chapel has been erected in this sacred space for the faithful to visit for prayer, meditation, commemoration and religious ceremonies.